
print error + new project concept

I made the PDF download free, and the book is now $20, to take advantage of a free shipping offer on Lulu. However, there are some black dots that show up in place of some italicized text, so I'm telling everyone not to buy it until I fix the file and clear up this error. Until then, please download and read it! (As far as I know, the PDF file displays all the text and no black dots.) I think it looks better on the computer screen anyway, because that's the way I've looked at it for two years! :)

My next project is to write poetry that mimics the actions of cells, especially mutation. That's all I know so far, because I haven't studied biology since about ninth grade. So I ordered an old biology textbook to help me start this new project.

I might publish a more extended version of A Meditation on the Misplaced later on. As I flipped through it tonight, I wished I'd made it longer. I think part of me still wants it to be as long as Howe's The Midnight- a good 170 pages instead of my meager 30.