
Etude 3 - Babelfish translator.

First, a revision of my first attempt, which is about a character in my (ancient) Greek textbook. It ends up having nothing to do with the original subject, hopefully.

a woman can say

this is what it takes, for the intervention in that fight.
the scary histories make her explosion in the teardrops,
but ask you still in order to it finishes,
because the distress overcame the fear.

thus you leave him to be this in order to it decides.
it wanted it plays in the existence.
but it wanted them precisely in order to it.

no one for the intervention has occupied
blind extraordinary fear does grow
histories father the initiated women

individual, too much useless now
walk the thin line behind tiresias.


A new one, using a poem from my two year old portfolio. Random snippets of text from prose poem called "the ethics of survival." here are the snippets fused together:

even a hint of fighting each other awkwardly awakened at twilight exodus nightly proceeds could not understand never figure out no one would replenish truth deep brown with intricate something extraordinary only once a glint of broken glass blurry and unfocused manufactured imitation escaping into the earth. there, that's better. elaborate pirouettes claimed lily pads as a defiant public declaration. pleasure she derived haunting the courting lake set aside for her rest.


on a whim, I translated it into French:

même un conseil du combat que s'est maladroitement réveillé au montant crépusculaire d'exode de nuit ne pourrait pas comprendre ne figurent jamais que dehors personne ne compléteraient le niveau de la vérité brun-foncé avec complexe quelque chose extraordinaire seulement par le passé un reflet de l'évasion d'imitation manufacturée trouble et unfocused en verre cassée dans la terre. là, that' ; s mieux. les pirouettes raffinées ont réclamé des garnitures de lis comme déclaration publique provoquante. plaisir elle a dérivé hanter le lac de poursuite mis de côté pour son repos.

reconstituted English:

even a council of the combat that s' with the twilight amount d' is awkwardly awaked; exodus of night could not understand appear never that outside nobody would only in the past supplement the brown-dark level of the truth with extraordinary complex something a reflection of l' escape d' manufactured imitation hoop net and unfocused out of glass broken in the ground. there, that' ; S better. the refined pirouettes claimed trimmings of lily like causing public statement. pleasure it derived to haunt the lake of put continuation on side for its rest.


resulting poem:

after all that a reflection

nobody would haunt that outside
in the past supplement brown-dark complex
a council awkwardly awaked
never appear outside

refined pirouettes of the truth appear unfocused
derived from glass broken in the ground
only continuation
only rest
only broken


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